Tuesday, November 4, 2014

AIP Chewy "Chocolate" Chunk Cookies (grain-free, egg-free, nut-free, dairy-free)

This girl likes her cookies.

So when I found out that I would need to start following the autoimmune protocol (AIP) to help heal a leaky gut, my old-standby of Seriously Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies were a no-go.

I can tell you, it is not easy to follow this protocol. Although these cookies are good, they were still created as a treat in a way of eating that seems so limiting. Something to help everyone feel a bit more "normal" while living in a world where they can't eat normal. In the real world of convenience foods (even the paleo/"clean" ones), restaurants and anything else created to help simplify real food for the majority of people, there are ingredients that someone on AIP cannot have. Paprika is in EVERYTHING. And even if it doesn't say paprika, for some reason "spices" and "natural flavors" are perfectly acceptable ingredients list items, which pretty much translates to me as "don't even bother."

So having been AIP just over a month now, I feel the need for normalcy. I'll be honest and say I've cried a few tears in my kitchen. I've sobbed while washing the thousandth dish that week since I am literally cooking every dang day. I know I am not alone.

And I just want a cookie.

(did you just picture me on the floor, pounding my fists on the ground, having a tantrum??)

Out of desperation, comes yumminess for you guys as well. I hope you like it!

xo -  Tonja

Chewy "Chocolate" Chunk Cookies
AIP * grain-free * egg-free * nut-free * dairy-free

Make 8 cookies
* arrowroot may be substituted, however I made them both ways and all testers agreed the tapioca was a better "mouth feel"
** if you tolerate chocolate, feel free to substitute Enjoy Life chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

In a medium sized bowl, combine tapioca flour, coconut flour, gelatin, coconut sugar, salt and baking soda.

In a small bowl, melt the palm shortening and then stir in the maple syrup and vanilla.

Add the liquid mixture to the flour mixture and stir until well combined.

Mix in the homemade carob chips (or chocolate chips) and let cool (or pop in the refrigerator for 10 minutes).

Divide batter into 8 equal portions and roll each portion into a ball. Place the dough balls onto a parchment lined cookie sheet and flatten to about 3/4" tall.

Bake for 10 minutes or until edges are golden brown.

Let cool on the cookie sheet for about 5 minutes before putting on a cookie rack to cool completely (but I won't tell anyone if you just gobble them up right away).

Carob Chunks
cocoa-free * dairy-free

Make 2 cups

In a small saucepan over medium-low heat, melt the palm shortening and coconut butter. Add in the coconut sugar and stir until dissolved (most likely it will not dissolve completely, but hey, we can try). Remove from heat and stir in the carob powder, vanilla and sea salt.

Pour the mixture into a parchment-lined 8x8 baking dish or pan and put in the freezer for 20 minutes.

Remove from the freezer and using a sharp knife, cut the mixture into chocolate-chip sized chunks (the mixture should still be fairly soft and easy to run a knife through). Return to the freezer to completely harden.

Once ready to use for the first time, using the pre-cut lines, break the "chocolate" into separate chunks.

Store extra in an air-tight container in the freezer.

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